Stop Upset Stomach: Homemade Cat Food Recipes For Sensitive Stomach

Your cat used to devour all the food like a vacuum within seconds but now they barely touch it. Is it just a phase or is your cat going through constant tummy troubles? You don’t have to panic! Many cat owners face this issue and let’s admit it, a sensitive stomach can be a headache for you and your feline friend. 

We have the perfect clues to crack this case and help your cat get back to normal. Try homemade cat food recipes for sensitive stomach. These are just simple recipes without any complex instructions. So let’s get the things ready and dive right into it. 

Understanding Sensitive Stomach In Cats

Cats may seem tough on the outside but they have a delicate tummy. An upset stomach may be a sign of an illness or other underlying problem. Keep an eye out for these warning indicators:

  • Vomiting 
  • Excessive gas
  • Less physical activity 
  • Weight loss
  • Constipation or diarrhea 
  • Lethargy 

But what could be the cause for these frequent stomach aches and vomiting? There are certain reasons behind your cat’s upset stomach and some of them are listed below.

  • Food allergy
  • Diet changes
  • Parasites
  • Inflammatory bowel disease 
  • Stress

You need to pay your vet a visit if your cat is showing these signs. There is a chance that the problem might take a serious turn so it’s better to take precautions.

Basic Principles To Keep In Mind While Cooking For Your Cat

Making homemade recipes for cats suffering from a sensitive stomach is not an easy feat. You have to select the ingredients with utmost care and understand the nutritional needs of your cat. Here are some tips for you.

  • Go for easily digestible proteins. Cats are obligate carnivores and they need meat for survival. You can go for lean protein like chicken, turkey, and rabbit that are gentle on the stomach and still provide the essential nutrients.
  • Include low-fiber and low-fat ingredients in their diet. Pumpkins and sweet potatoes will do the charm for your cat. They are rich in vitamins and easy to digest. 
  • You have to be wary and keep note of ingredients that can trigger digestive issues and make it worse. Avoid dairy products if your cat is lactose intolerant. On the other hand, take out grains and artificial additives from their diet as it can aggravate the issue. 

Homemade Cat Food Recipes For Sensitive Stomach 

There are plenty of recipes available for cats with an upset stomach. We are here with four recipes to get started and don’t forget to adjust the ingredients according to your cat preferences.

Recipe 1: Chicken and Rice Delight 


  • 1-2 pound ground chicken
  • ½ cup white rice (cooked)
  • 1 teaspoon parsley or parsley soup


  1. Add the chicken to a pot and add water to it. Cook it until it’s soft.
  2. Now allow the chicken to cool and drain the excess liquid. 
  3. Add the cooked rice, chicken, and parsley in a bowl and mix it.
  4. The recipe is ready to serve.
Homemade Cat Food Recipes For Sensitive Stomach

Recipe 2: Egg and Beef Recipe 


  • ½ cup ground beef
  • ¼ cup scrambled eggs
  • 3 teaspoons of alfalfa sprouts 


  1. Take a fry pan and cook the beef until it takes a brown color.
  2. Now, let it cool for sometime and mix scrambled eggs and alfalfa sprouts together.
  3. Give it a good mix and serve it to your cat. 

Recipe 3: Salmon and Rice Fusion 


  • 1 cup cooked rice
  • ½ cooked salmon
  • ¼ cup plain yogurt 
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil or coconut oil


  1. Put the cooked rice and salmon in one bowl and give it a good mix.
  2. Make sure you cook salmon until it is soft so it’s easy to digest.
  3. Now add the ingredients to a blender to get good consistency.
  4. The food is ready for your cat. 

Recipe 4: Tuna and Vegetables 


  • ½ cup tuna
  • ¼ cup carrots
  • ¼ cup spinach 
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil 


  1. Wash all the vegetables and boil them.
  2. Boil the tuna for 5 minutes and then leave it to cool.
  3. Now add all the ingredients on a mixer and serve it to your cat at room temperature.

What Are The Common Issues You Can Face?

While it wouldn’t be a problem introducing your cat to this new diet there are some issues that you can face. It is better to have a plan for them so you can help your cat timely. 

First, you have to introduce your cat gradually to their new diet and add some flavors like tuna juice or chicken broth to their food to make it appealing. 

When your cat has an upset stomach it is necessary that you measure their portion. Large portions can lead to diarrhea and incomplete digestion. You have to give them frequent small meals so they can digest it easily. 

Lastly if your cat is showing signs of discomfort or adverse reactions you need to visit the vet immediately. There are chances that they are suffering from any allergies.


Q: Can I feed my cat homemade food exclusively during a sensitive stomach?

A: Yes, you can feed homemade cat food to your cat during a sensitive stomach. But you have to prepare a diet that is filled with nutrients. You can consult the vet for this purpose. 

Q: Can I feed my cat a vegetarian or vegan diet during an upset stomach?

A: No, cats are obligate carnivores and they need meat for survival. A vegan diet can lead to nutrient imbalance and health issues. During an upset stomach your cat needs a good diet filled with vegetables and meat to recover. 

Q: How long can I store homemade cat food?

A: You can store cat food for 3 days in the refrigerator. But if your cat has a tummy infection it is better to serve them fresh food everyday. It will keep them healthy and avoid any food poisoning. 


So you are free from the detective work of figuring out what is the best thing you can feed your cat. These simple and delicious recipes will help your cat live on from grumpy tantrums to purring powerhouse. So master these cat recipes and start cooking their favorite meal. 

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