How To Test For Cat Allergy At Home? A Detailed Guide For Your Pet

how to test for cat allergy at home

Are you skeptical about whether your cat has allergies or not? Do you find them sneezing and coughing occasionally? If your answer is a big fat yes, then chances are your cat might be the victim of cat allergies. You can easily go into your Sherlock mode and identify the causes. But how to test for cat allergy at home?

We are here with a one-stop guide so you can get all the necessary information in one go. However, if your cat is facing serious allergies it’s better to go straight to the vet. Now let’s rock and roll and get to the depth of this issue.

Cat Allergy Symptoms You Should Look For

You might have only noticed the telltale signs of the allergies. You need to be on the watch and see if your cat is showing other symptoms as well. This is a crucial step after which you can go for testing for allergies.

  • Coughing
  • Red and itchy skin
  • Watery eyes
  • Chest tightness
  • Swollen paws

If your cat is displaying these symptoms, then my friend it’s time to dive into the testing part. There is no doubt left at this point. However, it’s important to note that some allergies can overlap like pollen and dust, and makes it difficult to pinpoint the real culprit.

how to test for cat allergy at home

Simple Methods At Home To Identify Cat Allergies

Before you jump to the testing kits, here are some simple methods to see what your cat is allergic to. It will help you a lot when going for the testing and you can narrow down the tests as well.

Environmental Factors

The first factor you need to consider is environmental. You can start this by monitoring your cat daily. Does your cat start their sneezing exercise when they are close to an open window? Does their skin itches a lot while cleaning? You should note down all the instances when your cat showed allergic reactions.

Cat-Free Zone

That’s probably the best technique you can use to pinpoint the allergies. Give your cat a specific room where they aren’t spending any time. Keep them in this room and observe their symptoms. If they feel better then chances are there is dust, mold, or other things in their usual place.

Elimination Diet

Now it’s time to look at their diet and see if there are any problems there. Cats can show adverse allergic reactions thanks to their diet and the food they consume. You can start an elimination diet technique if you suspect any food allergy. All you have to do is switch to hypoallergenic cat food for some weeks and then slowly introduce them to their original diet food one by one. Now, go for the specific food that triggers their allergy and cut it out.

Cleaning And Ventilation

Detergents and other cleaning products are also a pain in the neck and invite troubles for your cat. Although, you should clean your home but use hypoallergenic products. Meanwhile, invest in HEPA air purifiers and keep good ventilation at home. Now, sit back and observe whether your cat’s symptoms are going to bid goodbye or stay at the same place.

how to test for cat allergy at home

At-Home Allergy Test Kits For Cat Allergies

Now, coming to your question of how to test for cat allergy at home. Here is a detailed guide on how to use these kits carefully. These kits are designed to help you figure out the allergens that are irritating your cat.

These testing kits involve collecting a sample which you can later send to a lab for analysis. You can get your cat tested for dust, pollen, and food allergens. Here are the different types of tests you can run at home.

Saliva Test

In these tests, you collect a saliva sample by using a cotton swab and send it right to the lab. They will test it and let you know about the common allergies your cat is suffering from.

Hair Tests

There are some tests that need your cat’s hair. All you have to do is simply pluck some hair strands and send them to the lab. They highlight the potential allergies your cat has.

Skin Prick Tests

Although these tests are mostly performed under the supervision of the vet but there are home kits to perform them at home. It includes exposing a small shaved area of your cat’s skin to possible allergens and noticing the reaction. It’s quite tricky that’s why it is advisable that you don’t take matters into your own hands and consult a vet for this test.

The labs will take about 1-2 weeks before giving you final results. The results will give you the whole big picture and what are the potential culprits you need to fight for your cat.

How To Choose The Best Allergy Test Kits?

Are you lost in the sea of testing kits? We understand it can be tough to make the right choice when there are abundant options. Here are some pointers to keep in mind and you won’t be lost.

  • You have to choose the right kit. There are different kits for saliva, hair, and patch tests so make sure you read the description.
  • Go for the kit that is easy to use and has a whole guide to assist you.
  • Always look for the turnaround time. Mostly kits take about 1-2 weeks for reports but some can do the magic much faster.
  • Choose kits that are backed by vets and labs with a positive history. It ensures accuracy and good results.
  • Place your bet on kits that provide comprehensive reports and detailed analysis of your cat’s allergy and how to deal with them.

Consult The Vet: When Is The Right Time?

If your cat is showing worse symptoms and they don’t seem to stop, it’s time to leave everything and visit the vet. The vet can go for patch tests or detailed blood samples to help your cat and give the correct diagnosis. So, don’t be stubborn and make the appointment timely.

Final Thoughts

We have given you a comprehensive answer on how to test for cat allergy at home. This process can take time so be patient with your fluffy cat. These kits will give you detailed insights into your cat’s allergy and how you can fight them. However, if the symptoms are getting worse it’s time to call your vet.

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