Homemade Cat Food for Cancer: 3 Recipes You Should Know

Cancer. This dreaded word can strike fear in every cat owner. And why wouldn’t it? It plays with the health, and appetite, and leaves your brave cat deflated. But amidst the worry, there is always a flicker of hope and that is homemade cat food for cancer. 

Homemade food is like a potion packed with all the ingredients a cat needs. With this dreadful disease looming on your cat, you have to take matters into your own hands and give them the proper nutrients.

Feline Cancer and Nutritional Needs 

Cancer changes everything including the food you give to your cat. Cancer can show in many forms from leukemia to skin tumors. The one thing you need to keep in mind is that each type of cancer demands a different diet plan and nutrients.

So what’s the big picture? The diet should be rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. 

Cancer can lead to weight loss, a weak immune system, muscle loss, and many more things. You cannot control the results or how long the cancer will persist but you can control the diet and give them the right amount of nutrients. Another thing you need to stick to is maintaining the highest level of hygiene when cooking food for them. 

However, it is better to stick to homemade food for various reasons.

You can handle the nutrients without any worry and maintain hygiene. When it comes to commercial food there are times when you are not satisfied no matter how reputable the company is. 

Essential Components of A Cat Cancer Diet 

Before we move into the recipes it is important to know what might be the best ingredients to add to your cat’s diet. Let’s take a look at them.

  • In cancer, your cat needs more healthy fats like fish oil or coconut oil. But keep notice of the amount.
  • Protein is necessary to build the immune system and for repair. Include chicken, turkey, and salmon in your cat diet. 
  • Vegetables like pumpkin and spinach are a must-have.
  • Cancer cells live on sugar and thrive in it. So keep the carb level as low as possible. 

Homemade Cat Food for Cancer: 3 Best Recipes

Your cat diet is in your hands now so make sure you give them food packed with the right magic ingredients.

Recipe 1: Turkey and Pumpkin Pate


  • 1-2 pound turkey
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 1-2 eggs
  • 1 cup bone broth or water
  • Sardines or salmon
  • Pumpkins 
  • Carrots
  • Spinach


  1. Add coconut oil to a pan cook the turkey for 5-8 minutes and add eggs in it. 
  2. Pour the broth and add the pumpkin and other vegetables to the pot.
  3. Now add salmon and let it cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Now blend all the ingredients and serve it to your cat. 

Recipe 2: Protein-Packed Delight


  • 1-2 pound boneless chicken
  • ½ cup cooked chicken liver
  • 1 tablespoon salmon oil
  • ¼ teaspoon taurine 
  • Water


  1. Chop and grind the chicken and the liver together.
  2. Now add salmon oil, taurine, and the chicken combination to the pot.
  3. Add water according to your cat preference and blend the mixture.
  4. Serve your cat this delicious meal and save it for 3 days.

Recipe 3: Fish Feast Filled With Omega-3 


  • 1-2 pound boneless fish either cod or salmon
  • ¼ cup sardines
  • 1 teaspoon pumpkin 
  • ½ teaspoon bone broth 
  • ¼ teaspoon taurine 


  1. Cook the fish for about 5-8 minutes and mash the sardines.
  2. Now add the pumpkin, bone broth, and taurine to the mixture. 
  3. Add the mixture to a blender and blend until it has a thick consistency.
  4. Serve your cat this meal at room temperature.
Homemade Cat Food for Cancer

Complementary Therapies and Considerations You Should Know

Diet and medications are not the only heroes you need to beat cancer. You need to add complementary therapies and other things for faster recovery. Consider adding these to see quick results:

  • Herbal and natural supplements like turmeric or CBD oil can do wonders when it comes to your cat’s health. However, consult with your vet before making any decision.
  • Make sure your cat is hydrated and gets the right amount of water if they are mostly eating a high-protein diet. You can use chicken broth in their food to ensure this. 
  • A comfortable and relaxed environment is crucial for your cat’s recovery. Stress can aggravate the disease so make sure they have a good environment.  


Q: Can diet cure cancer in cats?

A: Yes, diet plays an important role in curing cancer. Your cat needs the correct amount of nutrients and vitamins to fight cancer.  

Q: Are raw diets good for cats suffering from cancer?

A: Raw diets alone are not good for your cat or help with cancer. Your cat needs a diet that is balanced and includes all the nutrients and raw diet can lack in this regard.

Q: Can I add supplements to the homemade cat food for cancer?

A: You have to consult your vet in this matter. Some supplements wouldn’t be a problem like Omega-3 and you can easily add them to your homemade cat food but you need a professional guide so your cat doesn’t overdose on them, or have an unbalanced diet.

Final Word 

Cancer is no doubt a scary time for you and your cat but you’re not alone in this fight. With these homemade recipes and a little love, your cat can make a swift recovery. So roll up your sleeves, whip up some delicious dishes, and let the healing power of homemade cat food work its magic. 

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