How To Keep Cat From Licking Stitches Without Cones? Detailed Guide

Have you ever seen your cat struggling to remove their dreaded plastic cone? Well, it’s necessary to keep your cat from licking after surgery but this cone of shame can invite discomfort for your cat. So, how to keep cat from licking stitches without cones? Let’s dive in and find out.
While cones are effective and designed to distract your cat. It can cause stress to your cat as they are sensitive when it comes to environmental and physical changes. Plus, some cats refuse to take their food while wearing the cones which leads to more health issues. But! Don’t worry. There are many other ways and we are going to explore them.
How To Keep Cat From Licking Stitches Without Cones? 5 Practical Ways
Yes, cones are not the only way to keep your cat from licking stitches! You can try to move towards more practical solutions that keep your cat comfortable and promote their overall health. Here are some of the ways you can try.

Soft Wrap Around Bandages
Soft wrap-around bandages work wonders for smaller surgeries like an area on the leg or shoulder. But what is the best thing about them? These act as cushions for the stitches and keep them hidden from your cat’s claws and eyes. Overall, they are also very comfortable and don’t cause any itching that compels your cat to lick the wounds.
To apply these bandages you have to clean the area first and then gently warp the bandage. A small tip that will save you from further hassle is to place the bandage softly and don’t cut off the circulation. Apart from that, you have to monitor the wound and stitches daily to avoid any infections.
Cat Clothing To The Rescue
Another effective solution to distract your cat from licking is the use of cat clothes. These snug garments are the perfect way to cover the wounds and keep them out of their sight. But there are two things you should keep in your mind.
- Choose a breathable material that is lightweight and keeps your cat cool. Otherwise, discomfort can invite irritation and things can take a bad turn.
- Don’t choose something too tight for them. It can irritate the stitches and your cat will surely lick them to calm them down.
Post-Surgery Recovery Suit
You will find that the market is filled with post-recovery-suit for your cat. What are they used for? Well, these are specially designed to cover the area that is stitched and at the same time allow your cat the necessary freedom.
The fantastic news is that they are made from the material that promote the healing and are not harsh on the skin. They come with zippers and flaps so you can easily out them on your cat without much hassle. Although they are quite expensive but worth a try. So, if you have the money shower your act with some love.
Anti-Lick Spray Is The Hero
These tiny superheroes are bitter in taste and are designed to deter your cat from the licking habit. And yes you don’t have to fret these are perfectly normal to use and don’t cause any harm to your cat.
However, do consult the vet for the recommended brand. The market is jam-packed with a variety of options but everything is not safe for your cat. Before you buy the one product make sure to read the ingredients to ensure it won’t call for any adverse effects or allergic reactions.

Keep An Eye On Your Cat
It’s important to keep an eye on your cat once they are going through the recovery period. If you notice that your cat is still licking their stitches even after your million efforts then it’s wise to contact your vet.
Excessive licking can indicate that there is a huge discomfort or a minor adjustment is needed in medications or stitches. And if that area shows any redness or discharge then take your cat and run to the vet. All these things are pointing out towards an infection.
Final Words
We have given you a detailed answer on how to keep cat from licking stitches without cones. The options are ample and you can try all of them to see which one works best for your cat. With little money and creativity, you can give your cat a comfortable healing experience and they will be delighted to have you on their side.