How To Make My Cat Smell Better Without A Bath: 5 Tips For Instant Results 

how to make my cat smell better without a bath

Have you ever wondered why your cat carries this less-than-pleasant smell despite taking a bath? These feline friends are always sniffing around new things but keep you on edge once their own smell feels less than purrfect. These smells have made you double-check whether you are doing something wrong or ignoring the vital hygiene tricks. And let’s not forget the long hours of surfing the internet on how to make my cat smell better without a bath

Well, we know it can get frustrating but we are here to unravel all the tricks and tips you need to keep them fresh as spring. So, are you ready to go on this ride with us?

Why Do Cats Smell?

Every cat has a unique smell just like humans. This can be linked to their natural oils, which are on the duty to maintain healthy fur. But we have noticed that certain cats have a bad odor to them. Why is that? There are certain factors that can compromise the natural scent of cat breeds. 

  • The diet plays an important role in your cat’s smell. If your cat has a bad smell chances are they are consuming an unhealthy diet.
  • Age also decides the body’s scent. Older cats have different odors due to changes in their metabolism.
  • Lastly, a bad smell can be due to some underlying cat health issues. It can indicate that your cat might be suffering from skin infections or stomach problems.
how to make my cat smell better without a bath

How To Make Your Cat Smell Better Without A Bath?

All hope is not lost. You can still make your cat smell like daisies with these simple tricks and techniques. The only promise you have to make is to commit to these tasks and stay consistent to see results. 

Brush and Brush 

What’s one of the easiest ways to clean your cat and make them smell good? It’s daily brushing. It works wonders for your cat’s health and help in removing:

  • Dirt and fur
  • Prevents hairball formation
  • Distributes the skin oils efficiently

The method is simple and easy. All you have to do is grab a brush and comb your cat’s hair daily for 4-5 minutes. If your cat has longer hair then it’s better to repeat this process 2-3 times a day. 

Another thing to remember is to always use the appropriate brush for your cat. Wide-toothed combs will work best for your cat if they remind you of tangled. But a rubber grooming glove or bristle brush will suffice for short-haired cats.

how to make my cat smell better without a bath

Use Cat-Safe Wipes

We all have heard about cat wipes but what is their purpose? They are designed to clean your cat without irritating their skin. In a nutshell, cat wipes are your savior when it comes to freshening up your cats with minimum effort.  

But from the wide collection and brands which one will do the magic? You have to go for hypoallergenic or fragrance-free wipes. These will be gentle on the skin and won’t frustrate your cat. 

All you need to do is gently clean your cat’s fur with it. Your main focus should be on parts like paws or under the tail. These are the spots that are more prone to dust and dirt. And don’t forget to keep the wipes away from sensitive areas or else face your cat’s wrath. 

Dry Shampoo For Cats

If your cat hates taking baths then dry shampoo can be a great alternative. However, don’t just rely on it and give your cat a bath when needed. 

Dry shampoos are available in spray and powder form and ensure that your cat smells the best all day long. They are designed to be soft on the skin, absorb extra oil, and mask cat odor.

The majority of people find a dry shampoo to be quite straightforward to apply. You should always follow the instructions written on the package and sprinkle or spray the mentioned amount on the cat’s fur. After giving it a little rub, take out any excess. And that’s it.

Clean Environment 

You can’t expect your cat to smell like jasmine when their environment gives off an entirely different vibe. Here are the things you need to maintain to ensure your cat smells nice.

  • Do your litter duties religiously every day. Scoop daily, use odor-absorbing litter boxes, and give it a deep clean once a week.
  • Vacuum your home daily to remove the fur and hair.
  • Wash your cat’s bedding once a week
  • Use air purifiers or air fresheners to avoid any bad smell.
  • Make sure your home has a good ventilation system to bid goodbye to bad odor.

Diet and Health

We all have heard these words many times ‘You are what you eat’. The same motto applies to your pet friends as well. A balanced diet filled with nutrients is the gateway to a healthy life and pleasant odor. Consult your vet if you have doubts about the current diet and make them review it. 

Apart from the diet, you also have to take care of your cat’s water intake. Dehydration can lead to a bad smell so make sure your cat is getting enough daily water. And remember regular vet check-ups are an essential need.


Q: How do you deal with bad breath in cats?

A: You need to regularly brush your cat’s teeth with good toothpaste and it will be enough to solve this problem. However, if the smell persists then you should visit the vet and get them checked. Chances are they may be suffering from other health problems. 

Q: Can I use human wipes or dry shampoo on my cat?

A: No, human products are harmful to your cat. It can lead to allergies or infections. Always make sure that you are using products designed for cats or else it can lead to problems.

Q: What should I do if my cat hates grooming?

A: You have to take things slowly with your cat. Start small and take baby steps so your cat can get used to it. You should make sure that your cat enjoys those times so it can lead to positive results. Try to give them toys and keep them engaged for better results.

Final Take 

Congratulations! You have the answer to your burning question of how to make my cat smell better without a bath. Try your best to include all these tips in your cat’s routine so they are always ready for warm cuddles. However, make sure that your cat is also enjoying this hygiene journey and don’t get irritated. 

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