How to Stop a Kitten from Crying at Night (6 ways)

Getting a new kitten is a pretty exciting event, but it can also be quite challenging. One of the most common challenges new kitten owners face is dealing with their kitten’s nighttime crying or meowing. Kittens are notorious for crying at night, which can be frustrating for both the kitten and the owner. In this article, we’ll tell you how to stop a kitten from crying at night and 6 ways to stop them from doing so.

Why Do Kittens Cry at Night?

Kittens cry at night for a variety of reasons. One of the most common reasons is separation anxiety. Kittens, like all babies, crave attention and affection from their caretakers, and when they are left alone at night, they may feel anxious and scared. Another reason kittens cry at night is because they are hungry. Kittens have small stomachs and need to eat frequently, so if they go too long without food, they may cry out of hunger.

Additionally, kittens may cry at night because they are bored or want to play. Kittens have a lot of energy, and if they don’t have an outlet for it, they may become restless and cry. Some kittens may cry at night because they are in pain or discomfort, such as from a urinary tract infection or other medical issue.

How to Stop a Kitten from Crying at Night (10 ways)

6 Ways to Stop a Kitten from Crying at Night

Here are 10 proven ways you can use to stop your kitten from crying at night.

1# Create a Comfortable Sleeping Environment

One of the easiest ways to stop a kitten from crying at night is to create a comfortable sleeping environment. Make sure your kitten has a warm, cozy bed to sleep in, and consider using a soft, cuddly blanket or toy to help them feel safe and secure. Additionally, placing a warm, soft blanket in their sleeping area can provide comfort and mimic the feeling of sleeping next to their mother.

2# Play with Your Kitten Before Bedtime

If your kitten is crying because they are bored or want to play, try playing with them before bedtime. Use interactive toys, such as feathers or string toys, to engage your kitten in play and tire them out before bed. Sometimes cats can end up with reversed schedules, where they sleep during the day, and stay awake during the night. You will need to make some effort to reverse this.

3# Keep Your Kitten’s Feeding Schedule Consistent

If your kitten is crying out of hunger, make sure to keep their feeding schedule consistent. Kittens need to eat frequently, so consider feeding them smaller meals throughout the day instead of one or two larger meals. This can help prevent hunger-related crying at night.

Cats are super strict about routine, and consistent schedules. So adhering to a schedule will also help your cat feel more comfortable and reduce its stress levels. Two birds with one stone.

4# Use Positive Reinforcement

When your kitten is quiet and calm at night, make sure to provide positive reinforcement. Offer treats or praise to encourage good behavior and reinforce the idea that quiet behavior at night is rewarded.

5# Consider a Feliway Diffuser

Cats have a strong sense of smell, and comforting scents can help them feel more relaxed and calm. Feliway is a synthetic pheromone that mimics the scent cats produce when they rub their faces against objects. Using a Feliway diffuser in your home can help your kitten feel more calm and relaxed, which can reduce nighttime crying.

6# Ensure the Litter Box is Easily Accessible

Kittens can cry at night because they need to use the litter box, but it’s not easily accessible. Make sure the litter box is in a quiet and private location, and that it’s easily accessible for your kitten. Keep the litter box clean and regularly change the litter to encourage your kitten to use it. If the litter box is not clean or has a smelly odor, your kitten will refuse to use it.


Kittens are adorable, but they can be a handful, especially when they cry at night. Understanding why kittens cry at night and using these seven strategies can help you stop the crying and create a peaceful sleeping environment for both you and your kitten.

Remember, patience and consistency are key when it comes to changing your kitten’s behavior. With time and patience, you can help your kitten settle into their new home and enjoy peaceful, restful nights.

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