Should you Ignore a Crying Kitten? (How to Fix)

Kittens are adorable little things, but they can also be quite vocal. They are known to cry, meow, and make all sorts of noises, even in the middle of the night. As a new pet owner, you might be wondering whether you should ignore your crying kitten or not. In this article, we will discuss why kittens cry, whether you should ignore them, and how to stop them from crying.
Why Do Kittens Cry?
There are various reasons why your kitten might be crying. Shown below are some of the more common ones:
- Hunger: Kittens have small stomachs, and they need to eat more frequently than adult cats. If your kitten is crying, they might be hungry and need food. Sometimes they may even cry in the middle of the night.
- Thirst: Just like hunger, thirst can also cause your kitten to cry. Make sure that your kitten has access to clean and fresh water at all times. If the water is dirty or contaminated, your kitten may not drink from it.
- Loneliness: Kittens are social creatures and can feel lonely without the company of other animals or humans. If your kitten is crying, they might want to be near you. This is quite common amongst single kittens who have no litter mates.
- Stress: Kittens can get stressed easily, especially if they are in a new environment. If your kitten has recently been adopted or moved to a new home, they might cry at night due to stress.
- Medical Issues: If your kitten is crying excessively, it might be a sign of a medical issue. Kittens can get sick quickly, so it’s important to take them to the vet if you notice any unusual behavior.
- Introducing Kittens to a New Home: Moving to a new home can be stressful for kittens, and they may cry as they adjust to their new surroundings. The same problem applies if the kitten is new, and hasn’t had time to properly bond with you.

Should You Ignore Your Crying Kitten?
While it might be tempting to ignore your crying kitten, it’s not the best idea. Ignoring your kitten can lead to several potential problems. For example, if your kitten is crying because they are hungry, ignoring them can lead to malnourishment. Similarly, if your kitten is crying because they are in pain, ignoring them can lead to a worsening of their condition.
Ignoring your kitten can also lead to behavioral problems. Kittens need attention and affection, and if they are ignored, they might become anxious, depressed, or even aggressive. Additionally, if your kitten is crying at night, it can disturb your sleep and cause you to be tired and irritable the next day.
Resolving this problem should be your number#1 priority, for the above mentioned reasons. In the next section we will discuss how you can do this.
How to Stop Your Kitten from Crying?
Fortunately, there are several ways to stop your kitten from crying. Here are some of the most effective ones:
- Provide Food and Water: Make sure that your kitten has access to food and water at all times. Kittens have small stomachs and need to eat frequently. Providing them with enough food and water can prevent hunger and thirst-related crying.
- Create a Safe and Comfortable Environment: Kittens need a safe and comfortable environment to feel secure. Make sure that your kitten has a warm and cozy place to sleep, plenty of toys to play with, and a litter box that is clean and easily accessible.
- Give Your Kitten Attention: Kittens need attention and affection. Spend time with your kitten, play with them, and cuddle them. If your kitten is crying because they are lonely, spending time with them can help alleviate their anxiety.
- Establish a Routine: Kittens thrive on routine. Establish a regular feeding and playtime schedule, and stick to it as closely as possible. This can help your kitten feel secure and reduce crying due to stress. Consider an automatic feeder if you are having trouble being punctual with the feeding routine.
- Provide Medical Care: If your kitten is crying excessively or exhibiting other unusual behavior, take them to the vet. It’s important to rule out any medical issues that might be causing the crying.
- Consider a Companion: If your kitten is crying because they are lonely, consider getting them a companion. Another cat or even a dog can provide your kitten with the social interaction they need to lead a happy life.
- Use Positive Reinforcement: Positive reinforcement can be a helpful tool in stopping your kitten from crying. When your kitten is quiet and calm, reward them with treats, toys, or affection. This can help reinforce good behavior and reduce crying due to attention-seeking.

Crying Behavior in Kittens: How Long Does It Last?
As a pet owner, you might wonder how long this behavior will last and if kittens grow out of it. In general, crying behavior in kittens is normal and can last for several weeks or even months. However, with proper care and attention, most kittens will eventually grow out of this behavior.
The duration of crying behavior in kittens can depend on various factors, such as their age, breed, and personality. For example, younger kittens tend to cry more frequently than older kittens. Some breeds, such as Siamese and Oriental cats, are also known to be more vocal than others. Additionally, a kitten’s personality can play a role in how much they cry. Some kittens are naturally more anxious or dependent, while others are more independent and self-sufficient.
As kittens mature, their crying behavior typically decreases. As they become more comfortable in their environment and learn to communicate their needs more effectively, they may cry less often. Additionally, as kittens grow older, they tend to become more independent and self-sufficient, which can also contribute to a reduction in crying behavior.
In conclusion, kittens cry for various reasons, and it’s important to understand and address the underlying cause. Ignoring a crying kitten can lead to potential problems, including behavioral issues and health problems. Remember, taking care of a kitten requires patience, love, and attention, but the rewards of a happy and healthy pet are well worth the effort.